Registration Authority (RA)
& Registration Officer (RO)
Registration Authorities are companies that act as registration offices for qualified certificates (QES) on the basis of a contract with A-Trust. For this purpose, signature applicants are identified by appropriately trained Registration Officers. Based on this authentication, an xIDENTITY (EU-Identity mobile) certificate may be issued.
What is a Registration Authority / RA?
Registration Authorities (RA) are legal entities that have concluded a „Registration Authority Contract“ with A-Trust. The task of an RA is the identification of signature applicants by registration officers as the basis for issuing a qualified xIDENTITY (EU-Identity mobile) certificate.
What is a Registration Officer / RO?
ROs are people acting on behalf of an RA who are responsible for the identification of signature applicants, where an xIDENTITY (EU-Identity mobile) certificate can be issued. Identity verification is carried out by checking the identity card of the person present. The personal data collected in this process is entered by the RO(s) on an activation website provided and confirmed with the qualified signature of the RO(s). On this basis, an xIDENTITY certificate is issued for the person applying for the signature.
Who can become a RO?
Registration Officers (RO) must be employees of and are registered with A-Trust by an RA. They must complete a training course, which must be repeated yearly. ROs must also have a clean criminal record.
Which certificates can be issued?
With the transition to the full operation of the ID Austria (as a further development and successor to the Handy-Signatur) in 2023, there will no longer be any private registration authorities for the ID Austria; registration will be carried out exclusively by specific Austrian authorities.
However, the qualified certificate xIDENTITY (EU-Identity mobile) can still be issued via private registration authorities. In contrast to the ID Austria, xIDENTITY certificates cannot be linked to the Austrian population register. It is therefore not possible to use the certificate in the context of the e-government
How is a qualified signature created with xIDENTITY?
Like ID Austria, the qualified signature via xIDENTITY works simply and conveniently via the A-Trust interface (cell phone signature interface): To do this, the cell phone number and signature password (1st factor) are entered in the iFrame and the signature is confirmed using the second factor (A-Trust signature app, FIDO token, SMS tan).
Digital signatures can be created via PDF Sign or in your A-Trust account.
Further information on xIDENTITY can be found here.
Your advantages at a glance
Independent issuing of certificates
Certificates can be issued independently by the RO (subject to due diligence). This means you are completely independent of third parties and can issue the required certificates "in-house" within a very short time.
Free issuance of certificates
The issuing of certificates is completely free of charge for ROs and RAs - regardless of the number of certificates issued. Certificates can be issued not only for employees but also for customers or business partners.
RAs can nominate as many ROs as they wish, but they must fulfill all of the above requirements.
3 steps - your RA/RO process:
Sign the RA contract
Sign the contract on our website (e.g. using ID Austria, xIDENTITY) and send it to
Complete RO training
The current prices for the (approx. 2-3 hour) training course for your RO can be found when booking the training course.
Issue certificates
After completing training and activation, ROs can issue xIDENTITY certificates independently.
Find out more without obligation - our sales team will be happy to advise you.