Signature solutions for companies

Qualified time stamp & LTV

Futuristic representation of a digital clock displaying 00:00; in the background is a binary code.Futuristic representation of a digital clock displaying 00:00; in the background is a binary code.

Equip documents with our qualified electronic time stamp and thus include the official, unforgeable time. Long-Term Validation (LTV) also ensures that signed documents can still be recognized as validly signed long after the current certificates validity has expired. This ensures maximum legal validity and evidential value - now and in the future.

Benefits of the qualified time stamp

With a.sign premium timestamp, you advance to the next level in terms of compliance, legal validity and evidential value.

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Official time

Unlike QES, which only records the computer time of the person signing the document, the time used for the qualified time stamp is regularly synchronized against several trusted time sources (including the Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying). In this way, for example, you can guarantee that a document existed at a specific reference time in the case of sensitive topics such as official tenders.

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Manipulation safety

The qualified timestamp also confirms that the document has existed exactly in this form, since in the event of subsequent changes to the document, the timestamp loses its validity - making the document unchangeable and forgery-proof. a.sign premium timestamp thus also represents the solid basis for the LTV.

LTV - maximum (legal) protection

Long-Term Validation (LTV) ensures that signatures can be identified as valid (at the time of signing) even in the future, regardless of whether the certificate has already expired or been revoked, or whether the certification authority is still in existence. This means maximum (legal) protection through maximum evidential value and traceability for you and your company.

This is how you get the qualified timestamp and the LTV.

There are various options for using a.sign premium timestamp.


As a private individual, you will be able to use your qualified time stamp completely free of charge in the future when executing qualified signatures via your A-Trust account.

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Commercial use

You would like to use the qualified time stamp in your company? Our sales ( will be happy to help.

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New Signatur-Box customers

Another good reason to choose a Signatur-Box from A-Trust: With every Signatur-Box purchased in the future, both the qualified time stamp and LTV are already included.

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Existing Signatur-Box Customers

You already enjoy the many advantages of the Signatur-Box and would also like to sign with a qualified time stamp and LTV? Contact our sales team ( for your Signatur-Box upgrade; we will be happy to clarify for you whether such an upgrade is possible with your Signatur-Box.

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