
By using your digital signature, you are helping to conserve important resources and protect our climate.
Simply secure, simply sustainable.

What is the meaning of my EcoStats?

EcoStats is a feature of your A-Trust signature app that shows you how many digital signatures you have made in the past year and which resources - e.g. paper, water or energy - have been saved as a result.

Your EcoStats are an estimate of the resources you have saved by using the A-Trust QES (ID Austria & xIDENTITY), which was created for you on the basis of the data outlined below. If the number of signatures is low, the total savings of all signatories are displayed.

Facts and figures

Number of signatures

For each transaction via A-Trust QES (ID Austria & xIDENTITY), the signed hash value and the time of the signature are archived, from which the number of signatures executed per person in the required period can be calculated.

Classification into document signatures, logins and eGovernment services

For each transaction via A-Trust QES, the application used (user-independent) is saved, from which a general classification into document signature, logins and eGovernment service can be carried out. (Information on data collection)

This results in a ratio of 18% document signatures to 82% logins and eGovernment services for the year 2024.

For logins and eGovernment services, it was determined that only every third transaction corresponds to an offline official or administrative process. This figure is based on the number of private and public service providers and the assumption that not every online official channel also corresponds to an offline official channel.

Number of paper pages

For the document signature, the average number of pages of the documents to be signed was calculated from the PDF signature services provided by A-Trust. (Information on data collection)

Average number of DIN A4 sheets: 6 (2024)

For eGovernment services, an assumption of 2 DIN A4 sheets per official channel was made.

Example: Employee tax assessment: 4 pages, residence registration form: 1 page, criminal record extract: 1 page

Resource consumption

The sustainability calculator of the IPR (Initiative Pro Recyclingpapier) was used to calculate the resource consumption of one page of paper. This can be used to calculate the savings in terms of wood consumption, water consumption, energy usage and CO2 emissions.

Time savings

A time saving of 10 minutes per signature This is based, among other things, on the time required for printouts, document management and the signature process, but also on the possibility of digitally signing several documents in one transaction (batch signature).

For eGovernment services, an estimated average duration of 37 minutes per transaction is assumed for an official journey (including arrival and departure). This estimate is based, among other things, on the statistics published by the City of Vienna on "Waiting time in the registration service points of the municipal district offices" and includes further assumptions on office opening times, different travel times and the varying population and service density in urban and rural areas.

Information from the City of Vienna:

Meldeservicestellen (
Passservicestellen (
Parkpickerlservicestellen (

Key Figures for 2024

In 2024 58.6 million digital signatures were performed using A-Trust QES, leading to the following savings:

  • 91 million DIN A4 pages saved through paperless processes
  • 1,215 person-years saved cumulatively through digital signatures for document handling and administrative processes (equivalent to 2.92 hours per digital signer)
  • 444.79 tons of CO2 saved
  • 23.06 million liters of water conserved
  • 986.68 tons of wood preserved
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In 2023 52.7 million digital signatures were performed using A-Trust QES, leading to the following savings:

  • 82 million DIN A4 pages saved through paperless processes
  • 1,094 person-years saved cumulatively through digital signatures for document handling and administrative processes (equivalent to 2.5 hours per digital signer)
  • 401 tons of CO2 saved
  • 20.83 million liters of water conserved
  • 5.38 GWh (gigawatt-hours) of energy saved
  • 891 tons of wood preserved

Why Are My Signature Counts Low Despite Frequent Signing?

Not all transactions can always be linked together. Your EcoStats reflect only your current contract and its history. Transactions may not be counted in the following cases:

  • If you reactivated your certificate with a Registration Officer
  • If you reactivated your ID Austria in an official authority
  • If you hold multiple qualified certificates simultaneously
  • If you obtain an additional certificate through the home procedure

Where Are My 2025 EcoStats?

Your statistics for 2025 will be calculated at the end of the year and will be available to you in early 2026.

Data Collection Information

The following data is used for statistical analysis:

Stored Hash Values

A-Trust is legally required to archive the signed hash value and timestamp for each transaction conducted via A-Trust QES (ID Austria & xIDENTITY). The hash value is an irreversible representation of the signed document—its content is not stored. This data must be retained for 30 years, as per SVG §10.

Number of Logins/Signatures per Application

To monitor and compile statistics, A-Trust records the number of logins/signatures per application based on its URL. This data is collected without any personal information and enables a general classification into document signatures, logins, and eGovernment services.

PDF Document Page Count

To display PDF documents, metadata such as page count, document name, and page size must be processed. However, the documents themselves are only retained for the signature process and are deleted thereafter.


The results of all evaluations are made available exclusively to the individual user and are processed anonymously for statistical purposes.