
Design signature workflows efficiently & securely: With the new Hash2Sign software from A-Trust

Montage: A laptop stands on a desk, in front of it three symbols representing documents; a person digitally signs the top document with a pen.

A-Trust's constantly expanding product portfolio has now been enriched by an innovative, user-friendly and, above all, secure solution: Hash2Sign.

Hash2Sign is a software solution for preparing your PDF documents for subsequent qualified signature via the familiar A-Trust interface. This makes your signature workflows even more convenient, efficient and, above all, secure, because: the QES from A-Trust is not only legally valid throughout Europe, but also ensures optimum traceability and protects against subsequent manipulation of documents.

Like its hardware counterpart - the Signatur-Box from A-Trust - Hash2Sign impresses by meeting the highest data protection and compliance standards, as only a hash value of the document is transmitted to A-Trust during the signature process. This means that sensitive data never leaves the company's own IT environment.

More efficiency is ensured not only by smooth signature workflows without media discontinuity, but also by the batch signature, which can be used to sign several documents in just one signature process, and the simple integration of the more than 4 million users of an A-Trust QES.

Unlike the Signatur-Box, however, no additional hardware is required to use Hash2Sign, making it even easier to implement in existing solutions.

In addition to the qualified signature, qualified time stamps or qualified company seals can also be applied to documents and the signatures can be successfully checked using Long Term Validation well after the certificate has expired. The batch signature also makes it possible to sign several documents with a qualified signature in just one process.

You can find more detailed information about the solution here.

Still looking for the right signature solution for you? The experts at A-Trust will be happy to advise you on the implementation of your digital signature workflows: Get more information now.