
Trust in the digital world: insights and expertise from a trust service provider

Montage: Blue processor chip with the image of a lock in the center


Secure online: How to create strong passwords

A common misconception is: “A-Trust knows all signature passwords and can change them.” Nothing...

Montage: A person uses their laptop; a hologram floats in front of it, with a lock icon in the middle, from which data points emerge.


Cryptography 101

Whether in online banking, in our preferred messenger app, when surfing the world wide web or...

Montage: Server racks in a data center can be seen in the background, while floating lines represent data streams in the foreground.


Mission truly impossible: data theft in a high-security data center

It always looks very easy on TV: The PIN code is scouted out in advance and the personal key...

Person plugging a USB stick into their laptop


The world of FIDO tokens: a guide to choosing and using them correctly

In an increasingly digitalized world where digital security is becoming more and more important,...

Ein Blick von unten auf die robusten Äste und das dichte Blattwerk eines großen Baumes. Der Baum steht gegen einen klaren blauen Himmel, durch den einige Wolken spärlich verteilt sind. Die Sonne scheint durch die Blätter hindurch, was die Textur der Rinde und das lebhafte Grün der Blätter hervorhebt.


Save a Tree, Sign digitally:

Did you know that you can save an average of 6 A4 sheets of paper with just one digital signature...

Montage: Ein Laptop steht auf einem Schreibtisch; Davor schweben drei Symbole von imaginären Dokumenten; Das mittlere Dokument wird mit einem Stift signiert.


Signing without limitations - sure thing!

The digital transformation of all areas of life and work is progressing inevitably and on a daily...